

I’m simultaneously obsessed with Mariah Carey’s song with Miguel, #Beautiful, and the new Queens of the Stone Age album. Both heavily influenced this new piece for Vaudezilla’s next Burlesque show.

I’ve also been working with playing with new, faster ways to work and really enjoying the results. Here is a piece I finished up for American Pool Magazine earlier this year that I never got around to posting. It was a super fun piece about the evolution of the bathing suit.

Weed Puller

I got a cintiq at work, I am going to be using it to do a lot of drawing (I hope) but hadn’t really had the chance to play with it. Until now.

Of course the first thing I drew: Lady.
I’ve also given up pretending I ever consider any color hair but red.

I get up in the morning, put my dreams away.

A few months ago I received an email to take part in the online “Power In Numbers” by Gallery Nucleus. I finally got around to submitting my pieces. You’ll eventually be able to see them AND BUY THEM (and it supports a charity of my choice, hoorah!) at

They go together as a pair and are sort of the first concrete things in a new series I’m working on. Check you guys later.

Bones, Bones, Bones. 2011. mixed media.

Burying. 2011. mixed media.

Because my heart stands for nothing and your souls too weak.

So tonight I went to my first life drawing session(at the Palette and Chisel Open Studios!) since graduating from MICA. It was…painful in a lot of ways but amazingly affirming in a lot of others. I was pretty rusty, so bear with me here, it will hopefully become a weekly event.

I forgot how therapeutic sitting and drawing a model is. Here are some samples from the class. I made BRILLIANT choices and used really light pencils on some of them and they scanned horribly, but what can you do.

The necessary…and upsetting..warm up

Naked Ladies will always be my favorite, who am I kidding.

Will I fight? Will I swagger, or sway?

I am alive in the new year, swear to god. I hope everyone has been well! Things have been crazy busy in Chicago, but the good news is I have a few projects in the works and hopefully a whole crazy amount of new work is going to be coming!

I’ve included a few sketches below and a super secret sneak peek..

Just been having a lot of fun with a new sketchbook, courtesy of my good friend Liz.

I think I’m going to get in trouble for posting this, but I’m gonna anyway. A preview of things to come! Also be on the lookout for a complete site rehaul soon, its in the works!

Much love, catch you cats sooon.

I know my place, but it don't know me

When I, or someone I know, get really overwhelmed at work(or I do something completely dickish), I like to try and cheer them with ridiculousness. Here are a couple things I’ve made various friends that litter our office space. My goal is to thoroughly permeate the entire room with my…unique…sense of humor/boobs.

I’ll post some more of these when I get a chance to rob people’s desks and scan them.